Sunday, 15 May 2011

How To Earn Money Online With Affiliate and Niche Marketing?


Jim Paul

If you ever wanted to learn how to find a niche, then this article is for you!

We want to share with you the process that we actually use to find a niche (or profitable micro niche) for affiliate marketing. It is the same process that has helped us to do well as an affiliate marketer over the last eight years. The good news is that it is a simple three step process. It has worked for us, and if you follow it to a tee, it will work for you.

Step 1: Write about a topic you like or are knowledgeable about: If you like a topic you are more likely to want to write about it. If you are very knowledgeable about it then you will have a lot of good things to say to your audience. The good news is, you can also undertake a lot of research on line, so you don\'t need to know everything straight away.

Step 2: Find out how much competition you have: The best way to start with this is to consider a general topic. Let\'s say it is Dogs, from there you can look at what niches exist for dogs. Examples could be dog training, dog grooming or diet\'s for dogs. Dog training, may be something that you know a lot about or are interested in. More specifically, you could find a micro niche on how to train specific types of dogs, or how to train dogs for specific actions or tricks etc.

Once you have found the niche or micro niche do a quick Google search to see how much is written on the topic. If they are only a few pages of good information then you may be onto a winner. Next check out forums (eg. pet forums) to see what questions people are asking. If they are a few questions relating to your particular niche even better. Also check out how many Google Ads there are. More than two and less than nine is a good range. It means there is some competition but not to much.

Step 3: Check out how many potential customers there are: You now need to see how many potential customers there are. Use the Google Keyword Tool to see how many searches there are on the topic. We recommend under 20,000. Simply type in your niche or micro niche keywords and see what comes up. You can then build your site based on these key words. Once you have done the above, see if there is a relevant product. Start in ClickBank as they are one of the biggest resources on the web. Once you find one start your site. The product is the last step. You have to find a niche that works first!

Yes... the above process does involve a fair bit of work, but it is definitely worth it and you will reap the rewards for the hard work you have put in. All in all it will help you find a niche that is profitable.

Anyone want to earn some extra cash online? Pay off your mortgage, buy a new car, pay those never-ending bills, go on a holiday, put your kids through good schools and universities? Of course you do! But if you\'re not prepared to shop around and have a good look at what\'s out there, or you\'re not prepared to WORK HARD, then move on - BECAUSE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. Let the weak look after their own!

I read about this guy who has become an internet millionaire while holding down a full-time job. He was so determined to get ahead and earn money that he worked online marketing from 11pm to 3am - on TOP of his regular job - EVERY day for 5 years to realize his dream. Sheer guts and determination got him to where he is today!

My advice to anyone that is looking to do something extra - CONGRATULATIONS! I started with a few dollars behind me - not much - but plenty of inspiration. I would do online surveys, apply for free e-books (as I didn\'t have the cash to buy into every offer) and I would earn a few measly bucks from marketing surveys- much to the mirth of my wife and kids! I devoured all information - starting at 4am most mornings and then working from 7am to 5pm. Then into the night, looking for that magic easy way to earn money!


In all seriousness though, consider the following. This is 100true as I found out the hard way:

Don\'t believe ONE WORD of these get rich quick schemes. These guys are smart and take your cash, deliver some crap that you could have gotten for free anyway and then never respond to your plaintive emails begging for help.

  • If earning money online was as easy as turning over in bed, why do we all have to go to work every day?
  • I have found that guys who are honest; don\'t promise the world and have the guts to tell you that niche marketing, affiliate marketing and promotion of your skills is hard work. It is VERY REWARDING, but also takes TIME to build the money up. Be patient my friend!
  • Like any business, it will gain it\'s own momentum and it becomes easier to make it work for you. You will soon tell the fakes from the serious marketing guys.
  • There are three things: STUDY, LISTEN and WORK! Peace and prosperity can be yours. Good luck and DON\'T GIVE UP!

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